Yesterday, I received my first review on my unedited manuscript from New York Times bestselling author, Lois Gresh. For me, to write is an art, and many times the art was my only source of light in the darkness of writing my story. Thank you Lois,
The Road through Wonderland is a gripping and beautifully written memoir about Dawn Schiller's teen years with John Holmes. This riveting account moves the reader from Dawn's impoverished beginnings in a rough neighborhood to a much worse life under the spell of John Holmes. Drug addiction, sexual abuse, hooking and being sold for drug favors, suicide attempts, physical abuse that almost left her dead, psychological trauma, and being way too close to multiple murders: Dawn endured far too much for any teenager. This book is a firsthand account of Dawn's descent into hell and her struggle to survive.
Lois Gresh, New York Times best-selling author of _The Twilight Companion: The Unauthorized Guide to the Series